Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.
Take fewer, shorter showers. Get yourself wet then turn off the tap to soap up, and turn it back on to rinse off.
Use less water in the bath, or take a short shower instead. A bath can use up to 80 litres of water, while a shower normally uses less than half that.
Use the half-flush system, or reduce the flush-water quantity by displacing water in the cistern with a part-filled bottle or a brick.
Flush the toilet less often.
Store a bottle of drinking water in the fridge to help avoid running more water than you need for a glass of water.
Put the plug in the sink when washing vegetables and avoid running the tap. Save this water to use on the garden.
Use the dishwasher for full loads only. Each load uses 40 to 80 litres of water.
Look for the AAA Water Conservation rating when purchasing new appliances.
Wait until you have a full load of washing or make sure you set the machine for smaller loads. A full washing machine uses about 150 litres of water in just one wash.
Mulch your garden with grass clippings or compost. Mulching can prevent up to 70% of water loss through evaporation. The best mulch is well-rotted compost which will also improve the soil’s ability to hold moisture.
A hose running at full volume uses 2000 litres of water per hour. Use watering cans or grey-water from indoors instead (eg used dishwater, bathwater etc).
Don’t let the children play with the hose, water-balloons or buckets of water. Water pistols are OK - or go for a swimming trip to cool off.
Do not use sprinklers - these are an inefficient way to water your garden, particularly on a hot day. Tend to your watering so you can make sure the water only goes where it is needed.
If you spot a water leak, contact your local Council immediately.
See a sprinkler left on?
Let us know and we will check it out – and don’t worry, your details will be kept confidential.
Leaks waste water 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A dripping tap can waste up to 3600 litres a year – that’s more than a full bath a week.
If the toilet leaks or a tap drips, fix it right away.